Web Access All Alarms





ASP Code:

<head> <title>AlarmTraq - All Alarms</title> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a{text-decoration:none} a:hover{color:Red; } a.nav{color:#FFFF00} --> </style> </head> <% ' Dimension Local variables Dim objConn, objRSAlarms, objRSCompanyName, strDSN, strSQL, intTotalColumns, intCounter, MyDate, i Dim strAltColor ' To hold alternating color values Dim bColor ' Boolean we use to alternate colors dim fs ' File System dim FileName dim IsMobileDevice ' Check for Windows CE dim NextPageLink dim PrevPageLink bColor = False ' Set the ADO Constants if you are not including the adovbs.inc file Const adOpenStatic = 3 Const adLockReadOnly = 1 Session.timeout = 15 Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set objRSAlarms = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strDSN = "DSN=AlarmTraqODBC;uid=;pwd=;" objConn.ConnectionTimeout=60 objConn.Open strDSN var1 = Now()-30 MyDate = FormatDateTime(var1,2) 'Check for Windows CE (Pocket PC, Palm-size PC, Handheld PC, Handheld PC Pro) if (InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Windows CE")) then Response.Write "<body style=""background-color:#ffffff; font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt;" IsMobileDevice = 1 else Response.Write "<body style=""background-color:#ffffff; font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt;" IsMobileDevice = 0 end if if IsMobileDevice = 0 then objRSAlarms.PageSize=25 else objRSAlarms.PageSize=5 end if filterwarnings = cint(Request.QueryString("filterwarnings")) if filterwarnings = 0 then strSQL = "SELECT Date,Time,PBXID,PBXCompanyName,Cleared,ID,OutDialAttempted,PBXAlarmType,AlarmCode,AlarmData FROM Alarms ORDER BY ID DESC" else strSQL = "SELECT Date,Time,PBXID,PBXCompanyName,Cleared,ID,OutDialAttempted,PBXAlarmType,AlarmCode,AlarmData FROM Alarms WHERE AlarmData <> 'TESTING INADS LINK' AND AlarmData <> 'TEST INADS LINK' ORDER BY ID DESC" end if objRSAlarms.Open strSQL, objConn, adOpenStatic,adLockReadOnly set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'print out the background image if exists... FileName = Server.MapPath ("BackGround.gif") if fs.FileExists(FileName)=true and IsMobileDevice = 0 then Response.Write " background-image:url(BackGround.gif); background-attachment:fixed;" end if 'close the opening body tag Response.Write """>" FileName = Server.MapPath ("Logo1.gif") if fs.FileExists(FileName)=true and IsMobileDevice = 0 then Response.Write "<p align=""center"" style=""margin-bottom: 0""><img border=""0"" src=""Logo1.gif"" alt="""" />" elseif IsMobileDevice = 1 then Response.Write "<p><b><font size=4 color=#CC0000>alarm</font><font size=4>traq </font></b>" end if FileName = Server.MapPath ("Logo2.gif") if fs.FileExists(FileName)=true and IsMobileDevice = 0 then Response.Write "<p align=""center"" style=""margin-bottom: 0""><img border=""0"" src=""Logo2.gif"" alt="""" />" end if MyPages = cint(objRSAlarms.PageCount) MyPage = cint(Request.QueryString("pg")) If MyPage < 1 then MyPage = 1 end if If MyPage > MyPages then MyPage = MyPages end if MyPageLink = "alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage & "&filterwarnings=" & filterwarnings NextPageLink = "alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage+1 & "&filterwarnings=" & filterwarnings PrevPageLink = "alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage-1 & "&filterwarnings=" & filterwarnings FilterWarningsLink = "alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage & "&filterwarnings=1" UnFilterWarningsLink = "alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage & "&filterwarnings=0" if IsMobileDevice = 0 then 'Response.Write "<hr />" Response.Write "<table cellSpacing=1 border=0 id=table3 width=100% align=left>" Response.Write "<SCRIPT language=javascript>init(document.F1)</SCRIPT>" Response.Write "<tr>" Response.Write "<td align=""left"" width=""300""><font size=1>" Response.Write "<input onclick=window.location.replace('" & PrevPageLink & "') type=button value=""<< Prev Page"" id=button1 name=button1>&nbsp;" Response.Write "<input onclick=window.location.replace('" & NextPageLink & "') type=button value=""Next Page >>"" id=button1 name=button1></td>" Response.Write "<td align=center><font size=3 color=#000080><i>Alarms Page " & MyPage & " of " & MyPages & "</b></i></td>" if filterwarnings = 0 then Response.Write "<td align=""center"" width=""300"" ><font size=1><input onclick=window.location.replace('" & FilterWarningsLink & "') type=button value=""Hide Link Tests"" id=button1 name=button1></td>" else Response.Write "<td align=""center"" width=""300""><font size=1><input onclick=window.location.replace('" & UnFilterWarningsLink & "') type=button value=""Show Link Tests"" id=button1 name=button1></td>" end if Response.Write "</td></tr></table></center><br>" else Response.Write "</p></a><b><font size=1>Page "& MyPage & " of " & MyPages & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage-1 & """>[&lt;&lt;Prev]&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""alarmtraq.asp?" & PBXID & "pg=" & MyPage+1 & """>[Next &gt;&gt;]</a></p></b>" end if Response.Write "</tr><br>" if MyPages = 1 then MyPage = 1 objRSAlarms.AbsolutePage = 1 elseif MyPage = "" or MyPage = 0 or MyPage = 1 then MyPage = 1 objRSAlarms.AbsolutePage = 1 elseif MyPage >= MyPages then MyPage = MyPages objRSAlarms.AbsolutePage = MyPage else objRSAlarms.AbsolutePage = MyPage end if ' get the total number of columns intTotalColumns = objRSAlarms.Fields.Count - 1 if IsMobileDevice = 0 then %> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" id="Table1"> <tbody> <tr style="background-color:#0000cc; color:#ffffff;"> <th width="45" nowrap><font size=1>Date</th> <th width="65" nowrap><font size=1>Time</th> <th width="65" nowrap><font size=1>Product ID</th> <th width="75" nowrap><font size=1>Site Name</th> <th width="30" nowrap><font size=1>CLR</th> <th width="40" nowrap><font size=1>Tests</th> <th width="50" nowrap><font size=1>Type</th> <th width="35" nowrap><font size=1>Code</th> <th width="375" nowrap><font size=1>Alarm Data</th> </tr> <% else %> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="600" id="Table1"> <tbody> <tr style="background-color:#0000cc; color:#ffffff;"> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Date</th> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Time</th> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Site.Name.............</th> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Type</th> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Code</th> <th nowrap></b><font size=1>Alarm.Data.....................................................................</th> </tr> <% end if dim MyFormattedDate dim MyFormattedAlarm ' now loop through the recordset and display the data i = 0 Do while i < objRSAlarms.PageSize and not objRSAlarms.EOF i = i+1 Response.Write " <tr>" & vbcrlf ' Toggle to the opposite color as the last row.</FONT> bColor = Not bColor If bColor Then strAltColor = "#FFFFFF" ' White Else strAltColor = "#FFFFE0" ' Light tan End If For intCounter = 0 To intTotalColumns if intCounter = 0 then 'Date if IsMobileDevice = 1 then MyFormattedDate = mid(objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value, 1, len(objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value) -5) Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedDate & "</td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""right""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf end if elseif intCounter = 1 then 'Time if IsMobileDevice = 1 then Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center""><font size=1>" & formatdatetime(objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value, 4) & "</td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""right""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf end if elseif intCounter = 2 then 'ProductID if IsMobileDevice = 1 then else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf end if elseif intCounter = 3 then 'CompanyName if IsMobileDevice = 1 then Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " nowrap style=""color:#0000ff""><font size=1><a target=_blank href=""sitealarms.asp?productid=" & cstr(objRSAlarms(2).Value) & """>" & trim(left(objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value,20)) & "</b></a></td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td nowrap bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""color:#0000ff""><font size=1><b><a target=_blank href=""sitealarms.asp?productid=" & cstr(objRSAlarms(2).Value) & """>" & trim(objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value) & "</b></a></td>" & vbcrlf end if elseif intCounter = 4 then 'CLR if IsMobileDevice = 1 then else if objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = 0 then Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center""><font size=1>n</td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center""><font size=1>y</td>" & vbcrlf end if end if elseif intCounter = 5 then 'ID if IsMobileDevice = 1 then else if objRSAlarms(6).Value <> 0 then dim IndexPathHTM, IndexFileHTM IndexPathHTM="/alarms/Logs/" & objRSAlarms(2).Value & "/" & objRSAlarms(5).Value & ".htm" IndexFileHTM=Server.MapPath(IndexPathHTM) if fs.FileExists(IndexFileHTM)=true then Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " align=""center"" style=""color:#0000ff""><font size=1><a target=_blank href=""" & IndexPathHTM & """>View</a></td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & "><font size=1>&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf end if else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & "><font size=1>&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf end if end if elseif intCounter = 7 then 'Alarm Type if IsMobileDevice = 1 then MyFormattedAlarm = replace(objRSAlarms(9).Value, " ","") MyFormattedAlarm = replace(MyFormattedAlarm, "-","") if objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Major" then Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff;""><font size=1>MAJ</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff;""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedAlarm & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Minor" then Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000;""><font size=1>MIN</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000;""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedAlarm & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Warning" then if instr(1, objRSAlarms(9).Value, "ALL ALARMS RESOLVED") then Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>WAR</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif instr(objRSAlarms(9).Value, "ipoGenAppOperational2") then Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>WAR</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedAlarm & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif instr(objRSAlarms(9).Value, "ipoGenAppOperational3") then Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>WAR</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedAlarm & "</td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""color:#808080""><font size=1>WAR</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""color:#808080""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""color:#808080""><font size=1>" & MyFormattedAlarm & "</td>" & vbcrlf end if end if else if objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Major" then Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""background-color:#ff0000; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Minor" then Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td nowrap style=""background-color:#FFFF00; color:#000000; font-weight:bold;""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value = "Warning" then if instr(1, objRSAlarms(9).Value, "ALL ALARMS RESOLVED") then Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf elseif instr(objRSAlarms(9).Value, "ipoGenAppOperational") then Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td style=""font-weight:bold; color:#ffffff; background-color:#008000""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf else Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""font-weight:bold; color:#808080""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(intCounter).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""font-weight:bold; color:#808080""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(8).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & strAltColor & " style=""font-weight:bold; color:#808080""><font size=1>" & objRSAlarms(9).Value & "</td>" & vbcrlf end if end if end if end if Next Response.Write vbcrlf & " </tr>" & vbcrlf objRSAlarms.Movenext Loop %> </tbody> </table> <% ' Close file system set fs=nothing ' Close Recordset objRSAlarms.Close Set objRSAlarms = Nothing objConn.Close Set objConn = Nothing Response.Write "<hr />" Response.Write "<div align=""left""><font size=""2"">To view INADS link test results <a target=_blank href=""/alarms/Logs/TestINADSResults.htm"">click here<br></a></font></div><br>" Response.Write "<td style=""color:#0000ff""><font size=2>To view alarm test results <a target=_blank href=""tests.asp"">click here</a></td>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<br /><br /><div align=""center""><font size=""2""></b><a href=""http://www.alarmtraq.com/"">www.alarmtraq.com</a></font></div>" %> </body> </html>