The Aurora Gateway is the client component for the Aurora Suite of secure alarming products.
The Aurora Gateway runs as a Windows service installed on your customers corporate or private network and acts as the "Middleware" component to allow relaying of alarms to AlarmTraq via the Aurora web Service.
Alarms received by the Aurora Gateway can be relayed via several methods:
Aurora Client`
Aurora can act as an SNMP-HTTPS proxy to receive alarms from devices that do not send any site specific information such as the Nortel CS1000 (Meridian1), Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and NICE loggers.
When the gateway receives an SNMP trap from a local device it performs a database lookup based on the private IP address of the device. It then adds 3 new variables to the trap message and resends the trap to the remote AlarmTraq server located at the service providers location.
This allows AlarmTraq to positively identify the device by:
Product ID | (alarmtraqProductID) | [] |
Device Name | (alarmtraqSiteName) | [] |
Device Private IP | (alarmtraqOrigIPAddress) | [] |
AuroraGW maps SNMPv1 trap messages to SNMPv2 trap messages and then forwards them to AlarmTraq via SNMP trap or secure HTTPS.
System Settings - SNMPP- SNMP
System Settings - HTTP
When the AlarmTraq server receives a trap from Trap Manager it identifies the device by the additional variables added to the original trap message. Below are some sample traps sent using Trap Manager.
Nortel CS1000
Trap received from host
Community: public
Agent IP:
Message Type: 36
EnterpriseOid: [asyncUpdate]
VariableCount: 13
Generic Trap: 6 [EnterpriseSpecific]
Uptime: 10522
Specific Trap: 10 [newAlarm]
[] [alarmSeqNum] 282130
[] [alarmTime] 2010 3 23 18 8 0
[] [alarmSeverity] 2
[] [alarmErrorCode] DTA021
[] [alarmComponentId]
[] [alarmComponentAddress]
[] [alarmDescriptiveText]
[] [alarmOperatorData] 30
[] [alarmExpertData]
[] [alarmCounts] 35 9 40
[] [alarmtraqSiteName] Hartford Insurance
[] [alarmtraqProductID] 9000000135
[] [alarmtraqOrigIPAddress]
Proccessing alarm as:
8000000135 05/12:03,EOF,ACT|30,DTA021,n,MAJ
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
9:51:10 AM SYS Trap received from host
Community: public
Agent IP:
Message Type: 71
Agent Port: 161
Index: 0
VariableCount: 10
SNMP Type: SNMPv2c v2
Trap Name: ccmGatewayFailed
[] [sysUpTimeInstance] 177832
[] [snmpTrapOID]
[] [ccmAlarmSeverity] 4
[] [ccmGatewayName] S0/SU2/
[] [ccmGatewayInetAddressType] 1
[] [ccmGatewayInetAddress]
[] [ccmGatewayFailCauseCode] 51
[] [alarmtraqSiteName] Acme Electric CUCM7
[] [alarmtraqProductID] 7000000123
[] [alarmtraqOrigIPAddress]
This Notification indicates that at least one gateway has attempted to register or communicate
with the CallManager and failed.
Proccessing alarm as:
7000000123 05/09:51,EOF,ACT|S0/SU2/,ccmGatewayFailed,n,MIN
NICE Logger
3:16:04 PM SYS Trap received from host
Community: public
Agent IP:
Message Type: 36
EnterpriseOid: [clsDbServer]
VariableCount: 4
Generic Trap: 6 [EnterpriseSpecific]
Uptime: 1434090
Specific Trap: 1019 [clsDBServerIsNotInitializedProperly]
[] [trapSeverity] 3
[] [dbServerName] DBServer
[] [dbServerStatus] 3
[] [trapHostTime] 090910030955
[] [alarmtraqSiteName] Acme Electric NICE
[] [alarmtraqProductID] 9000000001
[] [alarmtraqOrigIPAddress]
DB Server Is Not Initialized Properly. Trap Severity = {1}, Database Server Name = {2}, Database Server Status = {3},
Trap Host Time = {4}
Proccessing alarm as: 900000000109/15:16,EOF,ACT|DBServer,clsDBServerIsNotInitializedProperly,n,MIN