An HTML email template is a file that contains static HTML code and flexible template code consisting of special types of variables. When an alarm occurs, AlarmTraq replaces these variables with the values contained in the alarm data and site profiles and produces an HTML email message that is sent to the tech or customer.
AlarmTraq includes templates, suitable for most users’ needs, that eliminate the need to manually create an HTML template that displays the alarm information in an email.
To publish a new HTML email template, use a template located in the \AlarmTraq\Templates folder and change the settings.
You can create custom templates using any HTML editor. Creating a template is the same as creating a standard HTML page, except that you replace specific values pertaining to the alarm with variables that begin with a dollar sign ($).
AlarmTraq HTML email templates have the following special characteristics:
Using the following email template:
Will produce an email looking like:
Right-click the file name below and select "Save Target As..."
Templates are primarily composed of HTML. For example, the line:
Site Name: $Site_Name Product ID: $Site_ProductID Alarm Type: $Alarm_TypeWill produce:
Site Name: Acme Electric Company
Product ID: 1234567890
Alarm Type: Major Alarm
The following table lists the template variables that AlarmTraq recognizes:
Variable Name |
Description |
$Alarm_CallerID_Name | Alarm Caller-ID Name sent to modem. |
$Alarm_CallerID_Number | Alarm Caller-ID Telephone Number sent to modem. |
$Alarm_Code |
Alarm Code such as ACT, RES, RST, CLR, or TST. |
$Alarm_Color |
Alarm Color "red" for Major, "orange" for Minor, "green" for Resolved and "black" for Warning messages. |
$Alarm_Data |
Alarm Data including the full alarm text as received by the switch. |
$Alarm_Date |
Alarm Date is the alarm date reported by the switch. |
$Alarm_DispatcherLevel |
Alarm Level used by the Dispatcher module. |
$Alarm_IndexNumber |
Alarm index number as used by the database. |
$Alarm_MaintObjDescription |
Alarm Maintenance Object Description is the complete alarm description as defined in the MO database |
$Alarm_MaintObject |
Alarm Maintenance Object Name is the MO reported by the switch |
$Alarm_OnBoard |
Alarm Onboard is either "y" or "n" for legacy systems or is an integer value reported by the switch. |
$Alarm_RawData |
Alarm Raw Data is the complete alarm packet received by the switch |
$Alarm_Time |
Alarm Time is the alarm time reported by the switch. This time may be different due to different time zones |
$Alarm_Type |
Alarm Type is either "Major Alarm", Minor Alarm", or "Warning Message" |
$Alarm_Server | Alarm Server is the host name of the AlarmTraq server that received the alarm. |
$Alarm_Port | Alarm Port is either the modem port, 162 for SMNP traps or 443 for secure HTTPS. |
$Alarm_WANIPAddress | Alarm WAN IP Address as reported by originating router or device. |
$Email_Subject | Special variable used to collect custom information for the email subject line. |
$Main_AlarmTraqVersion | Displays the AlarmTraq version as |
$Main_CompanyName |
Main Company Name is the System or Tenant name used by the service provider |
$Site_AccountNumber |
Site Account Number as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ContactAddress1 |
Site Address line 1 as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ContactCity |
Site City as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ContactName |
Site Contact Name as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ContactState |
Site State as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ContactTelephone |
Site Telephone number as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_DispatcherEnabled |
Boolean value representing if the dispatcher module is enabled for this site. |
$Site_INADS_Number |
Site INADS telephone number as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_Name |
Site Name as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_Notes | Site Notes field as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ProductID |
Site Product ID as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_ReportGroupName |
Site Report Group Name associated with this site. |
$Site_ReportGroupNumber |
Site Report Group Number 1-255 as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_SystemSoftVer |
Site software version as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_SystemType |
Site system type as listed in the Site Profile |
$Site_TenantNumber |
Site Tenant number 1-255 used by this system |
$Web_AllAlarmsPage |
URL pointing to the /alarms/web/alarmtraq.asp page. |
$Web_AltProductIDLine | Site Alternate Site ID as listed in the Site Profile (can be used for additional info) |
$Web_ConfigurationReportPage |
URL pointing to the Configuration report page for a site. |
$Web_DispatcherLinkLine | Adds a new line with a link to the Dispatcher log for a site. |
$Web_DispatcherLogPage |
URL pointing to the dispatcher log for a site. |
$Web_LogoTech | URL pointing to the public logo image included in the TechEmailTemplate.htm file. |
$Web_LogoCust | URL pointing to the public logo image included in the CustEmailTemplate.htm file. |
$Web_Logs | URL pointing to the /alarms/logs/ folder |
$Web_ReportGroupPage | URL pointing to the /alarms/web/reportgrp.asp page for a site. |
$Web_ReportGroupLinkLine | Adds a new line with a link to the Report Group page. |
$Web_Root | URL pointing to the /alarms/ folder |
$Web_SiteAlarmsPage |
URL pointing to the /alarms/web/sitealarms.asp?productid=xxxxxxxxxx page for a site. |
$Web_TNAdminAddress |
Email Address of the AlarmTraq administrator for this tenant |
AlarmTraq uses a special variable $Email_Subject= to populate the email subject line. This variable should be used along with any text or other variable to complete the email subject you would like sent with the email message.
For example, the line:
$Email_Subject= $Alarm_Type - $Site_Name, $Alarm_Data(NOTE: This line will not be displayed in the body of the email message. It is for formatting the subject of the message only. This line can be included anywhere in the template file but needs to be on its own line with no HTML formatting.)
Will produce a subject line:
Major Alarm - Acme Electric Corporation G3 System, SME,A,1,MAJ