Looking to run the free 30-day evaluation version of AlatmTraq? Why not let us configure and test it for you on a cloud based version of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). EC2 is the Amazon Web Service you use to create and run virtual machines in the cloud (we call these virtual machines 'instances').
And the best part is it's FREE for the first 12 months with AWS Free Tier.
With the AWS Free Tier allotment, you can run 750 hours of a Windows Server 2012 R2 t2.micro instance each month for the first 12 months. For more information about free tier limits, see AWS Free Tier
Once the Windows t2.micro instance has been started, an AlarmTraq product specialist can configure and test the system so you can start receiving alarm notification right away. Just configure your systems SNMP trap destiination to the public IP address provided by Amazon.
The Amazon AWS instance does not support analog modems so only SNMP trap or HTTPS based alarming is supported by AlarmTraq. If you require analog modems to support alarming on legacy Avaya or Nortel telephone systems, you will need a physical server or VM installed at your location.
A sample free Windows t2.micro instance from Amazon will be configured for:
Once you have completed your evaluation of AlarmTraq, the 30-day evaluation edition can be easily converted to a licensed edition. Take a look at the video below to get started with Amazon AWS.
Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012
2 minutes 35 seconds